Sunday, May 25, 2014

How To Change Your Administrator Password Through Command Prompt

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Hello Guys, Today I am going to show you how you change your administrator password through command prompt. Its very simple and easy. just follows these steps.
Step-1 First of all Go-to the Start Menu and type cmd in search bar(For Windows 7).  And For Windows 8 User Press Windows+R Key. One Pop-Up box will Open. In That Just Type Cmd.(This Short-cut Key can also use in Windows 7). Command Prompt Will Open On your Screen.

Step-2 In Command Prompt type "Net User". And press Enter Key.

Step-3 When You Type That Command, a message will appear that "the command completed successfully". After That type "Net User Administrator". And Press Enter.

Step-4 When Command Will Completed Successfully. Then Type "Net User Administrator *". And Press Enter Key. When You press Enter Key It will Ask to you, "Type a Password". After Typing your New Password, For Confirmation It will ask you to "Retype your new Password". Just Retype your new Password and hit enter key.

And Finish. You have changed your Password Successfully. Enjoy...