Monday, May 26, 2014

How To Hide Your Files Or Folder By Using Command Prompt

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Hello Friends, Today I am going to show you how to hide your "Files or Folder" by using command prompt. Sometimes you want to give more security to your files and folder. Because you don't want to show your personal data to any others. There are many software solution out there for  this purpose, But there is no need to give money just for hiding data from any one. For this reason here I am going to Show you how to hide your data by using command prompt. Just Follows these Steps...
Step-1 Go-to the start menu from your computer. And Type " CMD" In Search bar menu. Or You can use short-cut key, just press "Windows+R" key one pop-up box will open and type "CMD" in box. Hit Enter.

Step-2 After that just go to your "Files or Folder" Location. And copy that location address.

Step-3 Now go-to the command prompt and type "attrib +s +h XX" here XX is file location. Its depend On you which file or folders you want to hide from which drive.

In that picture you can demo file is hidden.
Step-4 To Unhide this file Go-to the command prompt and type "attrib -s -h xx" here XX is file location. Its depend On you which file or folders you want to Unhide from which drive.

In that picture you can see file name "demo".
thankx guys...